Today I have for you an Ethiopian inspired vegan recipe. Let me begin this blog by saying, this recipe by no means is authentic-but its close. This is my rendition of Ethiopian ‘Atakilt Wat’ which is an Ethiopian stir fry of cabbage, potato and carrots.  It’s a quick and easy side dish to put together.  I also love it because it’s very close to Indian flavors. I have used Berbere spice blend to season the cabbage which is a common seasoning around East Africa, especially in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia. To an Ethiopian chef the preparation of this dish may not be authentic but the end result is just as authentic as it can be, I promise.

Vegan, Paleo, Whole30, Side dish
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
45 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
45 min
  1. • Cabbage — 1 medium, 4 to 5 inch in diameter and renders about 6 to 7 cups of chopped cabbage.
  2. • Garlic powder or paste — 1 teaspoon
  3. • Onion — 1 large, diced and renders about 1 cup
  4. Berbere seasoning — 1 teaspoon
  5. Tomato (canned or freshly diced) — 2 cups
  6. • Avocado Oil or any odorless cooking oil — 3 tablespoons
  7. • Salt to taste
  1. First, cut the cabbage in half, then in quarters and chop them into 1/4 inch slices. Rinse the cabbage, remove all the excess water and set it aside.
  2. Heat a large pan (one with a lid) with the Avocado oil on high heat (between 9 and 10). Add the chopped onion and sauté until they turn translucent.
  3. Now, turn the heat to a medium (6 to 7) and add the cabbage. Saute’ for about 7 to 8 minutes.
  4. If you think the cabbage is turning crispy or burning around the edges, just lower the heat to low, somewhere between 1 and 3.
  5. Add garlic powder and the Berbere spice; then sauté for another couple of minutes.
  6. Add the tomatoes and salt, sauté for a minute, then put the lid on and cook on low heat for 12 to 15 minutes, while stirring every 5 minutes.
  7. When the tomatoes begin to sweat (should take about to 5 minutes) turn the heat to a medium, remove the lid and cook the ingredients for 3 to 4 minutes. This is to eliminate the excess water released from the cabbage and tomatoes.
  8. You can serve it hot or cold.
  1. • Berbere spice blend: This should give you about 8 teaspoons of Berbere. 1 teaspoon of ground coriander; 2 teaspoons of chili powder and smoked paprika; 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger and ground cardamom; 1/8 teaspoon of ground nutmeg, all spice, ground fenugreek and ground cloves.
  2. • No oil: If you would like to make this recipe with no oil, skip the step with oil. Heat the pan, when its hot add onion and some salt. Put the lid on and let it sweat for 2 to 3 minutes on medium heat (4 to 5). Then remove the lid and let it sauté for another minute. Add the cabbage and follow the rest of the directions. Make sure to taste before adding more salt.
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