
It is popularly known and marketed as Apple Butter.  But since I am designed to question and contradict everything that exists on this mother earth, here I go again…I don’t really believe its butter. It doesn’t look, feel, or taste like it. Well, my parents named me Pooja, which in all Indian languages means prayer. Who knew a girl with that name would turn out to be such a devious little thing (just to clarify “little”- vertically but not horizontally) Please don’t judge. So with that logic, I have come up with my own little theory of why it’s called Apple Butter. If Mr. Apple Sauce and Miss Apple Jam were to have a child, they would name the child Apple Butter. No reason, just like that. My recent visit to the co-op was the first time I was introduced to this baby and after my first spoonful I knew I had to recreate it at home. It turned out so fabulous that I thought how about adding some peaches to this. Oh boy, was I right to do that? Heck Yes!

Here are the reasons why this Apple Peach Butter is better than the mass-produced jams you come across at the super market:

  • It lacks the often too common overwhelming amount of sugar. In fact, it has no added sugar except for the natural sugar from the fruits.
  • It has your own touch. When was the last time you said “no” to a jar of something homemade with love?
  • For those all too familiar diet frenzies, this is a little something you could put on your toast. Or, if you are experiencing a frenzied state, just the jar and a spoon shall do.
  • Paleo, gluten free and vegan.
Prep time :30 mins + Cook time: 10 hours, Total time: 10 hours and 30 mins


  • Apples – 4 pounds/1.8 kg
  • Peaches – 4 pounds/1.8 kg
  • Tapioca flour or Cornstarch (Corn flour) – 4 tablespoons
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 1/2 a cup
  • Salt – 1/4 teaspoon
  • Vanilla Extract – 1 teaspoon (optional)


  1. Prepping the apples: Peal, core and chop the apples. Set them aside.
  2. Prepping the peaches: To remove the skin from the peaches, soak them in a large pot of boiling water for 30 to 45 seconds. Then drop them in a bowl of cold water for about a minute. The peel should slide right off. You could also peel the skin by using a peeler. Finally, half the peaches to remove the pits and chop them into quarters (8 pieces per peach).
  3. Put the chopped apples, peaches and apple cider vinegar into a slow cooker and let it cook for 6 hours.
  4. Blend the cooked fruits in a blender. You may want to cool the mixture completely before blending. If you have a high performance blender that can tolerate high heat, you may skip the cooling process.
    If you don’t have access to a blender, you can mash the apples and peaches with a potato masher.
  5. Add 4 tablespoon of water to the tapioca flour in a separate bowl and mix it until the flour dissolves completely in water.
  6. Transfer the apple and peach puree again into the slow cooker with the tapioca flour water mixture and salt.
  7. Cook this for about 4 hours without the lid. Keep checking on it every hour or so to ensure that the butter does not stick to the bottom of the slow cooker.
  8. Pour it into clean sterilized jars and let it cool completely before putting the lid on. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 months (unless you decide to finish it sooner).


  • Tapioca starch: It can be easily found in most health food stores. You can replace tapioca with arrowroot flour or cornstarch. Remember, if you use cornstarch the recipe will no longer be Paleo.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Can be replaced with juice of 2 medium lemons.
  • Peaches: This recipe can be made with frozen peeled peaches.
  • Slow cooker: Please ensure before hand that the slow cooker can hold 8 pounds of fruit.


Here is a list of the tools and cookware used to make this recipe.

Knife by Cutco
Peeler by KitchenAid
Mixing bowls by Pyrex
Blender by Vitamix
Slow cooker by Croc-pot


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